Vision Statement: Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Since 2018, when we were formed as a Rotary Club, our members have prioritised our Community projects.
As a member club of Rotary International, which is represented in over 200 countries and territories around the world, we also support, through our Club and individual donations, our Rotary Charity: The Rotary Foundation. Here is a selection of photos taken at some of our most recent projects:
Helping Hands at our Hawarden Village School

Several of our Rotary club members voluntered to help tidy up the School’s faith Garden. They say ‘many hands make light work’. This was certainly the case here. Our members helped clear the path of weeds that had grown during the spring/summer and tidied up some of the growing beds, making them ready for Autumn planting by the students & teachers. We plan to return next month for another session, preparing for the months ahead.
Our Coffee Morning 12th September 2023

Some of our members get together to serve tea & coffee with delicious cakes and friendly conversation with friends & family and our local community. We had a great time meeting friends old & new, catching up with everyone’s news. In addition, we raised some money for local Rotary good causes
Hawarden Rotary RYLA Sponsorship

Hawarden Carnival 8th July 3023

Another busy day with Hawarden Rotary – today we took a stall at the Hawarden Carnival. We held a tombola for the children, plant stall, promotion of the club and telling the story of our bee project at the Animal Farm along with our tree planting project. We spoke to lots of visitors, mixed and mingled. This morning it was extremely hot with sunny spells despite the black clouds lurking in the sky. Then at around 2-30 pm the rain came pouring down with thunder & lightening. We all got soaked packing up but some members a lot more than others! The main thing was that we all had plenty of fun and laughter; we raised a good sum for Rotary charities and will chat about the day for many months to come!
Llangollen International Eisteddfod 6th July 2023

Four members of Hawarden Dee Valley Rotary headed to the Llangollen Eisteddfod with an earlymorning start.To do some volunteer stewarding. I can’t begin to tell you what an amazingly happy and memorable day we all had. At the end of our stint at Youth and Folk Day we joined the Parade of Nations walking through Llangollen with collection buckets. This was a magical experience . A quick stop for a pint and chips on the way home to recharge our batteries & chat over our day. We saw so much colour, life and talent. My motto for the day…. If you give a little you gain so very much more in return.
Club President’s Handover: Llangollen 20th June 2023

As Rotary clubs all over the world celebrate the handover of Presidential leadership. At Hawarden Dee Valley we had a very special afternoon and evening spent in Llangollen with a charming horse drawn canal boat ride followed by a delicious meal together at the Cornmill, Llangollen.
Rotarian Visit: Getting together for Club Assembly: 31st May 2023

Sharing time with fellow Rotarians is a great opportunity to share what is happening in other Local Rotary Groups. John Stopford, Assistant Governor, Rotary District 1180, joined us on Wednesday for a Presentation from our President Amit Sinha and Address for the year ahead from President Elect Gareth Jones. Time to catch up afterwards for some liquid refreshment at The Glynne Arms in Hawarden
Hawarden Farm Shop Easter Fayre 8th April 2023

Members turned out to support the Hawarden Farm Shop Community Fayre. Hawarden Rotary organised a Children’s Tombola stall and assisted with stewarding. A great family day out!
Easter Egg Rolling Competition at St Deiniol’s Church 2nd April 2023

Rotary Members assisted at the Annual Egg Rolling Competition. There was a huge turnout of supporters and young competitors with their intricately decorated eggs. The winner was awarded a special Easter egg prize.
Marie Curie Daffodil Appeal 11th March 2023

Rtns President Amit Sinha & Beryl Cotton took time out to collect on behalf of Marie Curie during their Annual Daffodil Appeal. They raised the magnificent sum of £260 for this worthy charity
Welcome to Our New Member

Honorary member Lord Barry Jones was inducted at our regular March Business Meeting. Rtn. Lord Barry Jones thanked the members present for their warm welcome and regaled the meeting with many humorous anecdotes. Members of Hawarden Dee Valley Rotary are delighted that Lord Barry has chosen to lend his support to our many varied projects, both in our local community and further afield.
Rotary Cheque Presentation to Flint Lifeboat Station 10th February 2023

Service above self: A visit from Hawarden Rotary to the Flint RNLI lifeboat Station to make a presentation .
The occasion was to make a donation from our fundraising concert held at St. Deiniol’s Church during the Autumn of 2022.
Members enjoyed an interesting talk on the history of the Flint Life Boat by Station Manager Alan Forester. The station has a dedicated team of volunteers covering all the support operations necessary to provide a crew to man the inshore lifeboat. They cover the whole of the Dee Estuary as far as 3 miles out into the Irish Sea and up river to the weir at Chester. We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated and volunteer resource stationed on the banks of the Dee Estuary who have throughout their history saved many lives of those who have got into difficulty on the river.
Station Manager Alan and his Team extended excellent hospitality to us all during our visit.
Rotary Young Musicians Competition 18th February 2023

Rotary Post-Christmas Dinner 17th February 2023

Christmas Tree Extravaganza

Our Christmas Extravaganza on Saturday, 3 December was a fabulous day. So much work had been put into the event. Led by Rotarians Mark and Jan, the Rotary team did an amazing job. The tea stall ran by St Deiniols Social Comittee was busy. The Marquee with LIVE music and a Gin bar was very popular.
Business was brisk at the artisan market inside St Deiniols Church and I’m not sure Santa even had time for a mince pie! Everyone looked to be having a good time.
Thank you all for coming along and supporting our Community Event.
Rotary Christmas Dinner

Our Christmas Dinner was held this year at The Gladstone Memorial Library. A very memorable occasion with excellent food, beautifully served, plenty of wine to wash it down and excellent company in the historic surroundings of the Gladstone Library. All the staff looked after us, during the initial booking, through to enjoying a lovely meal served with care and attention to detail. Cordial thanks to all involved in our first celebration of Christmas 2022.
Rotary Young Musician Concert

Our Rotary Concert was held this year in the magnificent interior of St Deiniol’s Church, Hawarden. The acoustic is very suited to both vocals and instrumentalists. This year there were several renditions of poetry & prose, including a reading from Shakespeare. The readings added a new dimension to the programme. The young musicians, orators and vocalists put on a varied, inspiring and professional programme. Following the concert, everyone enjoyed a buffet of warm savouries and glass of wine, prepared by the members. Congratulations and thanks to Alan Myerscough; organiser; and all concerned.
Rotary Multi-Cultural Evening ‘Sanskruti’

Our ‘Sanskruti’ Concert was a huge success with a capacity audience at Hawarden High School. The performers, aged from six years to teenage to adults performed dance routines of great complexity. Several soloists impressed the audience with virtuoso performances. Some of the soloists were of such a standard that they will be entered into the prestigious Rotary Young Musician Competition with finalists competing from right across the UK & Ireland. Thank you to the Head and staff of Hawarden High School for allowing Rotary to organise this event in their magnificent School Hall.
Rotary International Polio Eradication Programme: Crocus Planting November 2022

Many schools were represented in our Club Crocus Planting Programme this year: Hawarden Village School, Sandycroft CP School, Penalarg School & Ewloe Junior School. All the students participated so enthusiastically; it was a joy for the Rotarians to work with these talented young people. We all wait with bated breath to see our Crocuses bloom into beautiful spring purple carpets of delight. Thank you to all the teachers and staff for their support.
North Wales Air Ambulance

2nd November 2022: A special welcome was extended to Debra Sima, Community Fundraiser for the NE Wales Air Ambulance. On behalf of Hawarden Rotary, President Amit Sinha presented a donation to Debra for the Charity, which supports the excellent work of the Wales Air Ambulance.
P.E.T. (Pets Eat Today) Food Bank, Deeside

7th Sept 2022: A presentation was made on behalf of Hawarden Dee Valley Rotary Club to Mel Oldfield, Founder of the community project P.E.T. (Pets Eat Today) Food Bank. Mel Oldfield gave a brief summary and overview of the ‘Pets Eat Today ‘ initiative, which is essentially a pets food bank based in an outbuilding at the White Bear public house in Mancot.
New Mind International Ministries

President Amit Sinha made a presentation on behalf of Hawarden Rotary at Ewloe Green School to Peter Sinclair of the New Minds Ministries Charity. The presentation was made at the school morning assembly. The donation was from funds raised at the Indo-British Dance Concert held at Hawarden High School in October 2022. The Head Teacher, Mrs Ruth Dyas and the staff and children extended a warm welcome on behalf of the school, to Rotarians from the club along with Peter Sinclair and his wife who also present. It certainly was a good opportunity to strengthen the already established links that the club has formed through both Amit and Kate. The donation will go towards ongoing funding for building a school in Uganda. The project is such a worthy cause.
Rotary Club Presidential Handover Ceremony

Every year, on 1st July, every Rotary Club the world over, celebrates the induction of their New President for the ensuing Year. This year, President Pauline handed over the Presidency to Rtn. Dr. Amit Sinha, President Elect in a very dignified ceremony. President Amit thanked Past President Pauline for the way she administered the Club in the past year and he promised to continue with her ongoing projects. He then presented the club programme for the ensuing Year to great applause.
Rotary Cheese & Wine Celebration at the St Deiniol’s Flower Festival

The Cheese & Wine Celebration we held during the Flower Festival week as a fund-raiser in aid of the St Deiniol’s Community Project. Many Rotarians from several clubs attended in addition to local people from Hawarden and surrounding communities. The Tickets were a sell-out and it was a great evening, enjoyed by all. Thank you to the catering volunteers and aver one who helped to make this evening a huge success…Vintage Rotary!
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: Rotary Community Street Party Celebration

Rotary was out in force in Hawarden for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Many community groups and artisans supported the event. There was a real party atmosphere for the whole community to enjoy. The Village tailors and post Office opened their garden for an open air village soirée with drinks and live music. Rotary ran a highly successful Tombola & raffle…everyone joined in the fun. A wonderful tribute to Her Majesty and an opportunity for the whole village to celebrate her Jubilee. Thank you to everyone who helped and participated.